Sacramento County Honors Champions in Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Treatment


Department of Health and Human Services
Sherri Heller

10/31/2016 10:00 PM

Media Contact:

Samantha Mott    (916) 875-0973



Sacramento County Honors Champions in Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Treatment
SCOE and Sacramento County Coalition for Youth to Host 40th Annual Harold Cole Award Ceremony


Sacramento, CA – The Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board will present the Harold Cole Award to two individuals in the community for outstanding and overarching contributions to the prevention and treatment fields at the 40th Annual Harrold Cole Award Ceremony hosted by the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) and the Sacramento County Coalition for Youth.


When: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 - 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Where: SCOE Conference Center, 3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100, Mather CA 95655


Background: The Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board annually recognizes local people for their significant and long-term
contributions in the field of alcohol and drug education, prevention, treatment and recovery. The award recipients' efforts have had a
positive impact on individual youths, seniors, or other adults, on community agencies, or the general public within Sacramento County,
California or the nation. Individuals are recognized for consistent efforts out of the ordinary, beyond workplace responsibilities.


2016 Honorees
Angela De Re, Prevention recipient: Ms. Da Re has more than 15 years of experience in the field of Alcohol and Drug prevention and
education, including 10 years implementing the evidence based Strengthening Families program. Angela has been with the National Council
on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) since 2007 and an actively contributing participant on the Prevention Education Committee
of the Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board for the past several years.

Deborah A. Vogel, Treatment recipient: Ms. Vogel recently retired as Executive Director of Associated Rehabilitation Program for Women
(Alpha Oaks and Cornerstone) where she provided oversight of the recovery program for 14 years. Her own recovery has inspired women
to take that difficult journey out of addiction and into a new way of life. Deborah started her own recovery at Alpha Oaks and upon
completion of the program came back as a staff person, eventually working her way up to Executive Director.


At the event, youth from the community will share their experiences participating in local prevention projects and the effects they have had
on their peers and their communities.


Partial List of Scheduled Speakers:

  • David W. Gordon, Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools
  • Don Nottoli, Sacramento County Supervisor, District 5
  • Dr. Sherri Z. Heller, Director, Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services
  • Denise Galvez, Branch Chief, Policy & Prevention, California Department of Health Care Services



Samantha Mott, Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services
Office: (916) 875-0973 • Email:

Tim Herrera, SCOE Communications Director
Office: (916) 228-2713 • Cell (916) 952-7621 • Email: